Member Training Programme: Term 2 – Winter 2023


Date, Time and Venue

Activity / content

Target audience

Lead Officer(s)

8 November 2023


14:00 – 15:00


Microsoft Teams

Race Equality in East Sussex: Current Picture and emerging challenges

Participants will:

  • Learn about the most up-to-date figures on where ethnic minority people live in the county, and their age and disability profiles, languages spoken and other characteristics;
  • Learn more about current issues of racial inequalities and discrimination facing people from different ethnic backgrounds and the steps the council is taking in addressing those;
  • Gain insight into Members’ roles in working with and for people from ethnic minority backgrounds; and
  • Explore why language around ethnicity is changing and how to feel confident talking to and about people from diverse ethnicities.

All Members

Kaveri Sharma


Sarah Tighe-Ford

14 November 2023


10:00 – 11:00






17 November 2023


14:00 – 15:00




Microsoft Teams

ESCC Local Transport Plan 4 Draft Strategy Briefing Session

East Sussex County Council have drafted a new Local Transport Plan (LTP) for the County embracing a collaborative development approach with Members Reference Group (a sub-group of the Place Scrutiny Committee), officers and local stakeholder representatives. With this being a statutory document, setting out the strategy and policy framework for transport, we want to engage with you to provide an overview of the plan prior to us consulting more widely with stakeholders and the public, which is proposed to commence from 27 November 2023. So please join the session, where we will be providing:-

  • an overview of the strategy development process,
  • an outline of the key aspects of the draft strategy, including approaches, draft policies and schemes,
  • details of the supporting implementation plan, and the
  • timetable of planned engagement with stakeholders and the public.

All Members

Lisa Simmonds

24 November 2023


10:00 – 11:00


In Person and Microsoft Teams

Treasury Management

The training will provide members with a deeper understanding of Treasury Management and will cover the statutory framework that the council operates within, the financial, economic and risk environments that affects treasury management activities, and the impacts of these on the council’s treasury strategy and decisions. The objective is to enable members to effectively scrutinise the treasury management strategy and better understand treasury management performance reports.

Audit Committee and All Members

Haley Woollard

December 2023


Date and Time TBC


In Person – Room TBC

Modern.Gov App Workshop

This informal workshop will explore the functionality of accessing, annotating and bookmarking meeting papers within the Modern.Gov app. The workshop will be delivered by the Member Services team and will be available for a small number of Members. Places will be booked on a first come, first served basis. However other details will be available in the future if you are unable to attend the session planned for December. Please email Sophie Webb to book your place(

All Members

Sophie Webb

Winter 2023


Date and Time TBC


Microsoft Teams

Personal Safety for Members

Description to follow.

All Members

Stuart McKeown

Available upon request

Social media training

Bespoke 1-1/small group social media training sessions can be arranged with the ESCC Communications Team.

Please contact Warwick Smith ( to discuss your requirements.

All Members

Warwick Smith


Please contact Hannah Matthews if you have any queries:


Email:     Phone: 01273 335138